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Transaction Failed / Sold Out
Hello! Your are here for one of the following reasons:
- PayPal considers the event you are trying to buy tickets for is Sold Out. This MAY or MAY NOT be true as we leave a ‘buffer’ to make sure we DON’T oversell. Please contact us at 902.406.6460 or TXT/Call 604.617.2044 to confirm. We can make sure you get a seat. Or,
- Your transaction failed, please try again or contact us 902.406.6460 to help out. Or,
- You cancelled the transaction. If so, please let us know why and/or how we can improve your experience. Or,
- Your just happily surfing along and all of a sudden this page appeared for no reason? We suggest you check out our site and the links to our other sites. It may make you feel better. 🙂