dsc_0033sizedWe had a great summer this year, 2016, and as we move in to fall, we are getting really excited as we set our sights on our return tour to Germany next spring. However, this time, we will also be touring in the UK! Woohoo! We look forward to seeing all the friends we made on our last trip and making a whole bunch more!

Our summer consisted of lots of very busy days with our B&B guests, friends and family visits, concerts and workshops here at ROCA House, which has just been nominated by Music Nova Scotia for Venue of the Year! How cool is that?

We had the great pleasure of hosting artists such as Lynn Miles, Orit Shimoni, Laura Smith w/ Kim Dunn and Suzie Vinnick. We also hosted a great concert and workshop with the lovely Katey Brooks, who was on tour from the UK. Not only that, we drove up to NB with her afterwards and played a couple of shows together, so we got to hear her gorgeous voice three times!!! Can’t wait to see her again when we get to Bristol, UK!

Cailin’s mom also stayed with us for the month of July and we hit the road for a short excursion to her home town of Shediac, NB to visit with family, and search out some family history. More fodder for songs!

In August, we had the great pleasure of visiting with our good friend, Ivan Boudreau, who is a fabulous singer/songwriter. We met up in Yarmouth for the Coal Shed Festival, where we had a ton of fun playing a set on the big stage and then hosting a song circle in the Rudder’s Tent along with Connie Saulnier and Jacques Surrette noth from the Yarmouth area. The 5 of us were all quite different. There was a good turnout and folks seemed to enjoy it so we’ve been asked to reprise something like this next year on the main stage! 🙂

FACTOR_LogoIn other news, we are currently recording more songs with producer extraordinaire, Jamie Robinson, and will begin laying tracks at Dave Gunning’s studio at the end of the month. Couldn’t be more excited! And this is all possible in large part to a demo grant we received from FACTOR to help with the costs of studio, musicians and producing. Very grateful for their support!!

The three songs we are recording are:

  • I Wanna Be Your Girl – a fun summer pop song that Cailin wrote
  • Troubles to the Grave – a quirky tune on lightening up, co-written with Ivan Boudreau and Robert
  • Big Hearts & Small Towns – a country flavoured tune written with Doug Folkins and Lucy LeBLanc and Robert

In between all the comings and goings around our place, we played a few gigs this summer, too. We played a couple of times at the Halifax Airport. That was interesting. During the summer, they have live entertainment in the main lobby on Thursdays and Fridays. We had plenty of audience who were having to wait hours for their next flight, the staff on their lunch breaks, and the many who were rushing by to get to their gate on time. The rushing by people never failed to give us a thumbs up or a smile on their way through. Good fun!

We also played at the Alderney Landing Farmers’ Market a couple of times, and for the first time, we played Henley House in Sheet Harbour. Lovely folks up there, great food and a warm reception. Can’t ask for better than that. We also played our annual Labour Day Weekend concert on the Seaside up near Pugwash. We’ve had perfect weather three years in a row and get to spend some time with great friends. And, we had the pleasure of playing for the fine folks of Musquodoboit at the Musquodoboit Old School. Such a great community!

DSC_0240So, as you can see, lots continues to happen here at Roca House, and with Campbell + Green.
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Stay tuned for more news in the coming months.