Big Hearts and Small Towns
Robert Campbell / Doug Folkins / Lucy LeBlanc © SOCAN

Morning came with a cold dull rain
there was nothing left of our house
but memories of the smoke and flames
thank God we all made it out

We lost nearly everything
pictures we can’t get back
Granddad’s piano
just a pile of wire and black

I remember those firemen
did everything they could
the road was lined with helping hands
from across our neighbourhood

Big Hearts and Small Towns
still the best place I can think of to put my roots down
where someones always got your back
when trouble comes around
Big Hearts and Small Towns

We stayed a month at the motor inn
til we got back on our feet
every family was chippin’ in bringin homemade supper to eat
I cried when Mister Hendley said, :Here boy, this is for you”
He sat me at his piano sayin’, “You know what to do”
Now I’m keepin that circle unbroken,
giving back whenever I can

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